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PoshGram - The Basics

Getting Started with PoshGram

To use PoshGram, you first need to install it from the PowerShell Gallery using the following command:

Install-Module -Name PoshGram -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser


Be sure to set your Bot Token and Chat ID before running PoshGram functions:

$botToken = 'nnnnnnnnn:xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
$chatID = '-nnnnnnnnn'

Nearly all functions support the following parameters:

  • DisableNotification - Send the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.
  • ProtectContent - Protects the contents of the sent message from forwarding and saving.

Token Test

Easy way to validate your Telegram bot token.

Test-BotToken -BotToken $botToken

  ok result
  -- ------
True @{id=111111111; is_bot=True; first_name=botname; username=botname_bot; can_join_groups=True; can_read_all_group_messages=False; supports_inline_queries=False}


Send a basic Telegram message using PoshGram.

Send-TelegramTextMessage -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -Message 'Hello'


HTML Formatting (Default)

This Telegram message example illustrates how to apply various HTML tags like bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, and more to create richly formatted messages.

$message = 'This is how to use:
<a href="">inline URL</a>,
<code>inline fixed-width code</code>,
<pre>pre-formatted fixed-width code block</pre>,
<pre><code class="language-powershell">#pre-formatted fixed-width code block written in the PowerShell programming language</code></pre>
<blockquote>Block quotation started\nBlock quotation continued\nThe last line of the block quotation</blockquote>
with default HTML formatting.'
$sendTelegramTextMessageSplat = @{
    BotToken = $botToken
    ChatID   = $chatID
    Message  = $message
Send-TelegramTextMessage @sendTelegramTextMessageSplat

Markdown Formatting

This example showcases the use of various MarkdownV2 formatting options, such as bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, and more, to create richly formatted messages.

$message = 'This is how to use:
[inline URL](,
`inline fixed-width code`,
pre-formatted fixed-width code block
# pre-formatted fixed-width code block written in PowerShell
>Block quotation started
>Block quotation continued
>The last line of the block quotation
with MarkdownV2 style formatting'
$sendTelegramTextMessageSplat = @{
    BotToken  = $botToken
    ChatID    = $chatID
    Message   = $message
    ParseMode = 'MarkdownV2'
Send-TelegramTextMessage @sendTelegramTextMessageSplat


Sends Telegram phone contact message.

$phone = '1-222-222-2222'
$firstName = 'Jean-Luc'
Send-TelegramContact -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -PhoneNumber $phone -FirstName $firstName


Sends Telegram animated emoji that will display a random value. You can choose between: 'dice', 'dart', 'basketball', 'football', 'slotmachine', 'bowling'

$emoji = 'basketball'
Send-TelegramDice -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -Emoji $emoji



Send regular poll. If you want your poll to be anonymous, don't forget to include the IsAnonymous switch.

$question = 'What is your favorite Star Trek series?'
$opt = @(
    'Star Trek: The Original Series',
    'Star Trek: The Next Generation',
    'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine',
    'Star Trek: Voyager',
    'Star Trek: Enterprise',
    'Star Trek: Discovery',
    'Star Trek: Picard',
    'Star Trek: Lower Decks'
    'Star Trek: Prodigy'
    'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds'
Send-TelegramPoll -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -Question $question -Options $opt


Send quiz type poll. Answer choice starts at [0]. So the correct answer in this example is the second option, making the $answer = 1.

$question = 'Which Star Trek captain has an artificial heart?'
$opt = @(
    'James Kirk',
    'Jean-Luc Picard',
    'Benjamin Sisko',
    'Kathryn Janeway',
    'Jonathan Archer'
$explanation = 'In _2327_, Jean\-Luc Picard received an *artificial heart* after he was stabbed by a Nausicaan during a bar brawl\.'
$answer = 1
$sendTelegramPollSplat = @{
    BotToken             = $botToken
    ChatID               = $chatID
    Question             = $question
    Options              = $opt
    Explanation          = $explanation
    ExplanationParseMode = 'MarkdownV2'
    IsAnonymous          = $false
    PollType             = 'quiz'
    QuizAnswer           = $answer
    CloseDate            = (Get-Date).AddDays(1)
Send-TelegramPoll @sendTelegramPollSplat


Sends Telegram location to indicate point on map.

$latitude = 37.621313
$longitude = -122.378955
Send-TelegramLocation -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -Latitude $latitude -Longitude $longitude


Sends Telegram information about a venue.

$latitude = 37.621313
$longitude = -122.378955
$title = 'Star Fleet Headquarters'
$address = 'San Francisco, CA 94128'
Send-TelegramVenue -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -Latitude $latitude -Longitude $longitude -Title $title -Address $address


Media Group

Sends Telegram a group of media as an album from locally sourced media

Note: This function only supports sending one media type per send (Photo | Video | Documents | Audio).

$sendTelegramMediaGroupSplat = @{
    BotToken  = $botToken
    ChatID    = $chatID
    MediaType = 'Photo'
    FilePaths = 'C:\photo\photo1.jpg', 'C:\photo\photo2.jpg'
Send-TelegramMediaGroup @sendTelegramMediaGroupSplat


Note: Only GIF files are supported.

Sends Telegram animation message from local source.

$animation = 'C:\animation\animation.gif'
Send-TelegramLocalAnimation -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -AnimationPath $animation

Sends Telegram animation message from URL source.

$animationURL = ''
Send-TelegramURLAnimation -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -AnimationURL $animationURL


Sends Telegram document message from local source.

$file = 'C:\Logs\Log1.txt'
Send-TelegramLocalDocument -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -File $file

Sends Telegram document message from URL source.

$fileURL = ''
Send-TelegramURLDocument -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -FileURL $fileURL


Note: Only 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'PNG', 'GIF', 'BMP', 'WEBP', 'SVG', 'TIFF' files are supported.

Sends Telegram photo message from local source.

$photo = 'C:\photos\aphoto.jpg'
Send-TelegramLocalPhoto -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -PhotoPath $photo

Sends Telegram photo message from URL source.

$photoURL = ''
Send-TelegramURLPhoto -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -PhotoURL $photourl


Note: Only 'MP4' files are supported.

Sends Telegram video message from local source.

$file = 'C:\videos\video.mp4'
Send-TelegramLocalVideo -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -Video $video

Sends Telegram video message from URL source.

$videourl = ''
Send-TelegramURLVideo -BotToken $botToken -ChatID $chatID -VideoURL $videourl